Write a research paper outlining the most effective methods for altering behaviour.

Write a research paper outlining the most effective methods for altering behaviour.Step 1: Pick a behavior that you would like to change. For example maybe you want to spend more time studying, stop biting your nails, or keep your room neater.

Step 2: Operationally define the behavior: Remember from chapter 2 that an operational definition is a very specific definition and explains how you will measure the behavior. For example, if your behavior is “more time studying” you might operationally define that as reading, writing, and/or taking notes for at least 2 hours 5 days a week.

Step 3: Then use the three types of learning to develop a program to change your behavior. Write at least 1 paragraph (minimum of 100 words) for each type and use at least 3 terms in each paragraph.

IMPORTANT! Remember if you use direct quotes (the authors’ words) you should reference correctly, by using quotation marks, and APA in-text citations. You also need to use in-text citations when using the authors’ ideas or paraphrasing. See below for examples. Not citing is a form of plagiarism and will result in an F on the assignment. Your answers should also include your own words.

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After you have quoted or paraphrased another person’s work you need to correctly attribute credit to their ideas. This is done by citing. Some examples of citing in APA format include:

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