Write a research paper outlining the process of analysing sentiment data from Twitter using the Kaggle dataset.

Write a research paper outlining the process of analysing sentiment data from Twitter using the Kaggle dataset.Data is found here;
https://www.kaggle.com/crowdflower/twitter-airline-sentimentLinks to an external site.

Goal for homework:Analyze the data set

Note: analysis plan and methods of enquiry are at the student’s discretion. This is designed to be a hands-on application of the analysis and data science tools you have learned during your program. (please use google colab)

The output of this section of the homework will be; a) the contents of the Insight report (i.e. what you have learned from the data and analysis) and b) the action list of steps you took – including any code or models used.

Students are encouraged to use any form of visualization (including graphs and charts) that they feel aids the explanation and analysis of the data.

You will be submitting an ipynb file, please use the Google colab. The key parts of this assignment that need to be completed are the code and the graphs or charts, the report can be very concise. Please analyze at least five questions.

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