Write a research paper outlining the steps involved in choosing leaders.

Write a research paper outlining the steps involved in choosing leaders.

Interview a Leader:

You will interview an individual with a leadership role in the field of child development. The person you select should not be from your family or someone you have a close personal relationship with, though they may be your current supervisor if you’re currently working on an internship/field placement. Everyone should interview different people, so if you share the same supervisor as a peer for example one of you will need to find another person to interview.
In class: Preparation ( email, identify potential interviee and craft questions)
Brainstorm possible individuals
Craft an example email of how to reach out to someone (I can support you with this)
Develop questions in class (with peers)
Individually: Interview, Reflection and Submission
Complete the interview with your selected person.
Submit a written reflection (approx 800 words) on what you learned about their path, and leadership, summarizing their responses and connect to at least 2 outside sources (cited APA style). The goal of the assignment is to understand how one becomes a leader in the field of child development.
Submit your paper

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