Write a research paper outlining the structural solutions to advance Indigenous wellness through the reform of healthcare for reconciliation.

Write a research paper outlining the structural solutions to advance Indigenous wellness through the reform of healthcare for reconciliation.Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to foster ongoing development of practical knowledge as well as research and writing skills in the discipline of Indigenous Studies.
The thesis, road map, positionality and sources assignment completed earlier is a component of this final essay. Using feedback from the TAs this portion of your essay should be close to completion well in advance of the essay due date to help guide you in completing this assignment. Incorporate the earlier assignment into your research paper.
Description: This is a research paper with a choice of THREE topics {SEE BELOW}. There is one mandatory assigned article for each topic. This assignment is NOT a critical review, so the mandatory article should not be the PRIMARY focus of your paper, nor should it be introduced separately in your introduction. The article should be used in the same manner as the other sources you obtain in your research. HINT: pretend you found the required article on your own as part of your research for this paper. You should not rely excessively on the required source, nor should you use it too lightly – it would be a good idea to expect to cite it at least 3 or 4 times in your paper. You will also find a student-written and instructor-graded full version of a research paper posted on the assignment page for this essay.
Academic Requirements: This assignment requires you to write a formal academic essay with a well-developed argumentative thesis statement and a body of logical arguments (main points) to support it. Your body of logical arguments will be outlined in the form of a “Road Map”. This portion of your paper should already be completed, although you might have to make some adjustments to your initial wording or thoughts. This is a ‘persuasive’ essay, which means your thesis argument needs to present a ‘persuasive’ position (not a statement of fact or observation). To help ensure the development of a persuasive perspective you may find it helpful (it is not mandatory) to begin your thesis statement with “This essay argues…..”. A formal conclusion, which restates your argument and sums up the main points made in your paper, is also required.
Writing conventions: This is a formal essay which requires you to avoid first person (“‘I”, “we”, or “us”) or second person (“you”), EXCEPT in your positionality statement. As with all formal essays, avoid the use of contractions and colloquial (informal) language. Be sure to use correct Canadian terminology for Indigenous people. (For example, do not use ‘reservation’ or ‘tribe.’). Capitalize the terms for Indigenous people; terms such as ‘Indigenous’, ‘First Nations’, ‘Metis’, etc. should be capitalized.
Sources: A minimum of six academic sources must be used (the mandatory article is included in these 6). At least two sources must have been published in 2016 or later. The sources should all be peer-reviewed journal articles (academic journals); however, if you can find a relevant book source, you may include it as one of those 6 (or as an additional source). Government publications can be used for statistics but should otherwise be avoided.
Unacceptable sources:

Wikipedia, dictionaries, encyclopedias, videos, or news articles/magazines will NOT count as an official source and should NOT be used. Avoid websites because these are usually not academic but online databases with journal articles or ebooks from academic publishers may be used.
Formatting Requirements: This assignment 2000-2500 words double-spaced in standard 12-size font, Times Roman only, with “Normal” margins of 1” on all sides. Avoid any extra spacing between paragraphs. Very important: length requirement does NOT include cover page, bibliography or footnote spacing, etc., use the word count function in MS Word and check the box to exclude footnotes. Although headings are allowed, I encourage you to AVOID them. Using headings means that your paragraph structure is not strong, and so you are relying on other methods to present new ideas.
Other Expectations: To do well on this essay, your discussion should be an analysis of the research you have gathered, not simply a description or recounting of the sources. If your essay is primarily a summary of the research you undertake with little to no analysis, a grade of 60-68% is normally achieved, if all other portions of the assignment are completed correctly. In general, if your footnotes are following your source materials in order, you are summarizing rather than analyzing and this is problematic in this type of essay. If your footnotes look like the example below, with each page in succession, then you are likely summarizing:
Padmanabha, Swapna, “How to successfully cite an argumentative essay” Journal of Writing in Academia, 24, no. 7 (June 2018): 212.
Padmanabha, “Successfully cite”, 213.
Padmanabha, “Successfully cite”, 214.
Padmanabha, “Successfully cite”, 214.
Padmanabha, “Successfully cite”, 215.
Citation Style: Be prepared to paraphrase, cite or quote your researched materials to support your analysis. Remember to reference any works that you borrow ideas or quotes from. Expect to cite your sources liberally. It is far better to cite too often than to inadvertently plagiarize. You MUST use the CHICAGO MANUAL OF STYLE (CMS), NOTES/BIBLIOGRAPHY format. (Author/Date is not allowed). Follow all CMS guidelines referring to font, page spacing, proper quotations and bibliography, footnotes, etc. Use footnotes; using footnotes allows you to evaluate if you are adequately citing and supporting your research. In general, no less than 3-7 footnotes per page, and at least one per paragraph, are required.
An electronic version of The Chicago Manual of Style is available online through the USask library website.
Brief Chicago Manual Guide https://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide/citation-guide-1.htmlLinks to an external site.
Links to an external site.Chicago Overview https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/chicago_manual_17th_edition/cmos_formattinLinks to an external site.g_and_style_guide/general_format.htmlLinks to an external site.
Specific citation examples for Journal articles (periodicals): https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/chicago_manual_17th_edition/cmos_formattingLinks to an external site._and_style_guide/periodicals.htmlLinks to an external site.
Links to an external site.Sample Paper using Chicago Style (with explanatory notes provided) https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/chicago_manual_17th_edition/cmos_formattinLinks to an external site.g_and_style_guide/cmos_nb_sample_paper.htmlLinks to an external site.

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