Write a research paper outlining the three different Python programming languages.

Write a simple Employee Class for the Acme company.
All employees go by their first name (no last names).
Employee emails are the employee’s first name + “@acme.com”.
You will need to implement a class variable to count employees, i.e., empCount.
Before you start:
— Review the grading rubric posted under Course Information, Programming Resources.
— Use the programming template posted under Course Information, Programming Resources.
— Review Example 13 in this week’s notes!
1. Write a Python Employee Class named employee.py.
2. The Employee class is to have the following methods:
a) def __init__(self, name=”, title=”, salary=0): # Initializes an instance
b) def get_count(self): # Returns the total number of employees
c) def get_title(self): # Returns an employee’s job title
d) def set_title(self, title): # Sets an employee’s job title
e) def get_salary(self): # Returns an employee’s salary
f) def set_salary(self, salary): # Sets an employee’s salary
g) def __str__(self): # Returns a string with employee’s name, title, email, and salary
3. Use the following program to test your Employee class.
from employee import Employee
mary = Employee(“Mary”, “Manager”, 80000)
mike = Employee(“Mike”, “Team Leader”, 50000)
alicia = Employee(“Alica”, “Programmer”, 70000)
raj = Employee(“Raj”, “Assistant”, 25000)
print(“Total number of employees:”, Employee.empCount)
print(“Details of all employees:”)

raj.set_title(“Executive Assistant”)
Example output:
Total number of employees: 4
Details of all employees:
Name: Mary, Job Title: Manager, Email: *************, Salary: $80,000.00
Name: Mike, Job Title: Team Leader, Email: *************, Salary: $50,000.00
Name: Alica, Job Title: Programmer, Email: **************, Salary: $70,000.00
Name: Raj, Job Title: Assistant, Email: ************, Salary: $25,000.00
Name: Raj, Job Title: Executive Assistant, Email: ************, Salary: $35,000.00

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