Write a research paper outlining what constitutes “cancel culture” in examples.

Write a research paper outlining what constitutes “cancel culture” in examples.Using your case outline as a guide, produce a formal, typewritten, three-page essay in response to the prompt below. It is the same prompt that you based your outline on, only now your assignment is to turn the outline into an essay.

Two things to consider:

1. You might want to reread the “Argumentation” and “Writing the Essay” pages our Canvas space. The information contained on these pages relates specifically to argumentative essay writing, which is what you will be doing for this assignment.

2. Most importantly: The idea is to base the essay on your outline, but feel free to make changes to the content as needed. If you feel that anything needs to be added to or removed from the argument you have presented in your outline, now is the time to do it. Your outline is a rough plan, and so you can rethink it. Your essay is the finished product and your final word on the topic. The same goes for your introduction paragraph. If you are happy with the draft paragraph that you submitted with the outline, you may use that paragraph largely intact for your essay. But you can revise the paragraph as needed.

Here is the PROMPT:

According to Wikipedia, “Cancel culture…is a modern form of ostracism in which someone is thrust out of social or professional circles – whether it be online, on social media, or in person. Those subject to this ostracism are said to have been cancelled…The notion of cancel culture…constitutes a form of boycotting or shunning involving an individual (often a celebrity) who is deemed to have acted or spoken in an unacceptable manner.”

Examples of celebrities who have recently been cancelled—fired or boycotted—include Scarlett Johansson, Kevin Hart, Johnny Depp, Morgan Wallen, and Logan Paul.

In your view, has cancel culture been taken too far? Does it seem that cancel culture forces people—public figures as well as private citizens—to pass a “purity test” in which their words and actions must be unreasonably guaranteed to offend no one? Or is cancel culture a term intended to disparage well-meaning attempts to create a culture of tolerance? More simply put, does cancel culture create a culture of tolerance or a culture of the kind of intolerance it seeks to prevent?

Write honestly and openly about what you think. No matter what your conclusions, your argument must indicate very clearly what your position is, and you must justify your claim with convincing reasons and evidence.

As always:

Your essay must make a claim
Your claim must be supported with compelling reasons
Your reasons must be supported with appropriate evidence
You should anticipate objections to your position and refute them
Your essay should include an engaging introductory paragraph and a thoughtful conclusion

Additional guidelines:

The essay should be THREE PAGES long, and uniformly DOUBLE-SPACED (do not quadruple-space between paragraphs)
You don’t need to include a cover page, but you must provide a title.
Margins should be about 1” all around and the font no larger than #12.
You are not required to use outside sources for this assignment, but if you do you must cite those sources on a Works Cited page.
You will submit the essay only–do NOT submit an outline along with it

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