Write a research paper outlining which US city has the largest percentage of Black inhabitants.

Write a research paper outlining which US city has the largest percentage of Black inhabitants.You will select one minority group (in the US) to investigate. You should focus on its history, societal attitudes toward it, its interactions with other groups, its current conflict and proposed solutions, or its culture. Utilize the course materials, scholarly books and articles, films, museums, and reputable online sources to immerse yourself in the culture and experiences of the chosen minority group. Use sociological concepts as relevant. This paper should be written so a student not in this class can follow your topics. The analysis should not exceed 15 pages including tables, appendices, and a reference list.

You must incorporate a minimum of 6 scholarly sources in your paper. Your paper should be approximately 10-15 pages, double spaced and include an introduction, body, and discussion. You MUST use subheadings.

A. Introduction

Begin your paper with a “roadmap” – summary of the major sections of your paper
Provide an appropriate context for why you choose this minority group

B. Body

Should be organized by theme; subheadings MUST be used
Must apply sociological concepts/theories in your description, explanation, and analysis

C. Discussion

Provide a brief summary for your paper
Identify areas for further discussion

D. Reference Page

Must be cited in ASA style or APA style

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