Write a research paper that explains what maths madness is.

Write a research paper that explains what maths madness is.Create a whiteboard drawing animation podcast with an automated female voiceover that addresses exponents and the exponent rules. The theme should be about a character(s) that have super powers (It should be 3-5 minutes long and be of professional quality). It should include the following components: an opening, a closing, and a “hook” to capture the audience. It should include sound effects that go with the theme. The content needs to be original, creative, entertaining, and innovative.

Information should be accurate and concretely described. Quotes and other ideas should be followed by a verbal citation, and a reference page should be added at the end of the presentation. The voiceover can be computer generated but must be clear and audiable. The presentation needs to be downloadable and saveable so it can be uploaded to other sites. A copy of the script to follow is attached. A copy of the rubric is attached.

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