Write a research report about homework tips that you would like to share.

Write a research report about homework tips that you would like to share.Data3: https://www.worldometers.info/demographics/life-expectancy/#countries-ranked-by-life-expectancyLinks to an external site.

Look at the data3 and answer the following questions:

6. Find the mean and standard deviation of the life expectancies (both sexes column) of 201 countries.

7. Assume the life expectancies of the world are normally distributed with the mean and standard deviation you have calculated in #6. Find P and interpret the answer.

8. Assume the life expectancies of the world are normally distributed with the mean and standard deviation you have calculated in #6. In a group of 35 students from diverse backgrounds in our Statistics classes, find the probability their mean life expectancy is at least 70 years.

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