Write a research report outlining the effects of iodine shortage on foetal growth in adult pregnancies.

Your assignment will be in the form of concept note for a descriptive research study and is more focused on assessment methodology. In your concept note include:
➢ Title of project
➢ Research objective(s).
➢ Rationale of project: This should include:

▪ rationale and justification for both the population and nutrient or dietary pattern of interest in terms of why it should be researched. AVOID specific disease states (for example endocrine, gastrointestinal, autoimmune, genetic or CNS diseases) and focus on prevention of chronic disease or promotion of healthy outcomes in the general population
▪ rationale and justification for selection of dietary, anthropometric and /or biochemical measures of nutrient or dietary pattern of interest, including comparing and contrasting strengths and weaknesses of methods
Write a research report outlining the effects of iodine shortage on foetal growth in adult pregnancies.➢ Description of nutritional assessment methodology for the project. This may include:
▪ explanation of how nutritional assessment measures will be interpreted in relation to the current literature (including any standards, reference values, cut-offs you will be using and/or other study results in the area with which you will compare your results)
▪ the focus is on nutritional assessment methods not research study design – you are proposing a descriptive study, not a randomized control study for example.
Statements should be supported by a minimum of 10 original references from the peer reviewed literature from past 7 years. Word limit is 2000 words, excluding references.
Evaluation criteria:
● Identification and justification importance of nutrient or dietary pattern of interest for specific population (30%)
● Identification and justification, including strengths and limitations of dietary, anthropometric and biochemical measures of nutrient or dietary pattern of interest (50%)
● Explanation of how nutritional assessment results will be interpreted in relation to current literature (30%)

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