Write a research study outlining the steps involved in creating a critical legal analysis.

Write a research study outlining the steps involved in creating a critical legal analysis.
There are three parts to this assignment. Please read through all three parts as they all go together. Part 3 was done last week and class please edit and work off of that!

Part 1: Complete the attached Grant Proposal Budget Detail Planner Worksheet.

Part 2: Complete a Budget Narrative.

See attachment titled Budget Narrative Topic 8 for detailed instructions. The budget narrative is written last. It is a detailed written explanation for all the proposed expenses detailed on the Budget Detail Planner Worksheet. Each category from the Budget Detail Planner Worksheet must be justified by clearly explaining the relationship between the proposed activities and the expenditures. For example, if you list that you need two counselors, describe why you need two counselors and justify the salary (research counselor salaries in your area).

Part 3: Revise and edit your draft Executive Summary submitted in Topic 7 using feedback provided by your instructor. Submit the final revised Executive Summary. (titled topic 7 Jus 515)

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