Write a six-page essay in which you show ONE personal experience you had with food, family.

1. present your one experience with food through a memorable or meaningful event or memory, and 2. through showing your personal food experience, you will be exploring the influences and importance of food on you and those around you.This is NOT a process analysis paper on how to prepare a certain dish; instead, you should use your essay to SHOW a meaningful or important experience and INTERACTION with food, family, or friends, and the food’s importance and meaning. You should focus on only ONE specific experience. Use specific memories and present the specific event or time so that you do not tell the ongoing “we did this” or “we did that every year.”

Follow the SHOWING handout in the Writing Packet. you will add three quotations using two essays in this unit, OR two quotations from our class reading and one that is a family member’s words–if the quote is substantial and meaningful. (You could also use a third quote from a third class reading from this unit if you want to). Your essay needs to be word processed in 11- or 12-point font and needs to be double spaced and broken into paragraphs of not more than ½ page. You will need to also introduce, give context, and set up your quotations and then analyze and connect them to your experience as shown in “Using Quotes” in the Writing Packet. Like Essay One, you will add an MLA works cited list with this essay, too, and a visual picture, which could be a photo, a picture, or a recipe.

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