Write a study on how hybrid automobiles help to reduce global warming.

Write a study on how hybrid automobiles help to reduce global warming.In Modules 1-3, you submitted your topic and annotated bibliography for your final paper. In this module, you will develop a thesis statement and submit an outline for your paper for review and comment by the instructor. The outline will serve as the guide for the writing effort. It should be structured with an introduction, thesis statement, supporting arguments, and conclusions. The outline gives you the opportunity to establish a framework, the critical infrastructure so to speak, to build around your thesis statement in the final paper.
Please follow the guidelines provided for creating a good outline and refer to the information for resources on how to organize and write a paper of this length. The better your outline, the easier it will be to write the paper. As you create your outline, remember that your final project should tie together the ideas and observations you made throughout the course.
For your final project, you will write a paper that examines the topic that you chose in Module 1, applying concepts and theories explored in this course.
Here are the guidelines:

Include an introduction statement.
This is a preview of the paper, along with the thesis statement.
Example of Thesis: Hybrid cars contribute to reducing global warming.
Make claims that emerge from this thesis statement.
Example: Claim 1. Hybrid cars use less gas.
Claim 2. Using less gas creates fewer carbon emissions.
Claim 3. Fewer carbon emissions helps reduce the rate of global warming.
Add your evidence collected to the claims you have identified.
Example: Hybrid cars use less gas.
Evidence: Hybrid cars use xxx amount of gas as compared to non-Hybrid cars, according to the consumer index (this evidence is imaginary, for the sake of an example).
Include a conclusion statement.
This is a summary, along with a call to action or impactful statement.
This outline should be 2-3 pages.
You can use phrases and complete sentences in the outline.
Include indicators of where you found the evidence.
Use 12 point font in a Word document (can also use Open Office).
Reference the grading rubric to ensure all areas are fulfilled.
Also, it is important to cite your sources properly when you are writing a research paper and using someone else’s ideas. By citing sources, you will avoid plagiarism and give credit to the originator of an idea.
Ensure your submission is free of grammatical errors. Use APA style for all writing assignments.

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