Write a study paper addressing the topic, “What constitutes a significant development in Scotland?”

Write a study paper addressing the topic, “What constitutes a significant development in Scotland?”Assignment Content
In recent years, there has been an emphasis on the power of asking “why?”. Understanding how curriculum has changed over the years shapes our perspective on “why” our curriculum is organized the way it is today. A study of the history of curriculum development provides context for our work in today’s curriculum design. In this assignment you are developing your analytical skills, exploring historical contexts, and applying your understanding to your current curriculum.

Review this video I made on Assignment 1 and the rubric for assignment expectations.

Choose your deliverable (just ONE) to complete this assignment:
525- to 700-word essay
Self-recorded video or audio presentation (including a 350- to 525-word transcript)
6- to 8-slide presentation with detailed speaker notes (minimum 50 words per slide)
Refer to the Resources section below for guides you may find helpful when choosing and creating your deliverable.

Research major developments, such as an educational reform or an era in time, that stand out in the history of curriculum development and design.

Select 2 developments from your research that you feel had a significant impact on curriculum development and design to use as the basis of this assignment.

Analyze the purposes, strengths, and weaknesses of each development through the lens of curriculum development and design.
For your assignment, compare the developments you selected, and address the following in your comparison:
Rationale for choosing the developments
Primary focus of each development, including relevant facts
Key leaders that were involved and/or supported each development
Outcome of each development, including how it did, or did not, benefit students
Impact on current curriculum development and design practices

Justify your comparisons with evidence from the curriculum you teach.

Submit your assignment.
Video – https://youtu.be/s_kMmKatx10?si=IUipGgHUKN7Xk0gW

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