Write a study that provides additional information about leadership and ethics.

Write a study that provides additional information about leadership and ethics. Shan Cooper of Lockheed Martin is interviewed.
Your assignment # 2 relates to chapter 3 Cengage Activity Video Analysis Leadership & Ethics: An Interview with Lockheed Martin’s Shan Cooper. Designed to reinforce the learning objectives of the course, and in conjunction with the final exam will provide a measure of your material’s knowledge and critical thinking skills.


Your video analysis answers must be written in a form of essay formatted APA Style of Writing, no less than 2 full pages (300 words) per page of written content.

With multiple academic resources references/citations (textbook, and one other source of reference, preferable Pro-Quest or STATISTA data bases from the FNU Library) that will support the content of the analysis.

(The video assigned will provide relevant information that correlates to the chapter assigned)

View video “An Interview with Lockheed Martin’s Shan Cooper” Chapter 3 “Ethics and Social Responsibility”.


*Read chapter 3

*Draft a 2 page reflection paper related to the interview with the VP & General Manager of Lockheed Martin / Shan Cooper about Business Ethics

*Review the rubrics below that you are going to be graded on.


*APA Formatting (Margins, Line Spacing, Running Head, Page Numbering, Paragraphs Indents, Proper Referencing, In-Text Referencing, Referencing Sources Hanging Indents, Font Style and Size) = 1 pts

*Originality Report (70% or higher) = 1pts

*Writing Volume (2 full pages) = 1pts

*Referencing Sources (Textbook and at least one other source of reference from the FNU Electronic Library) = 1 pts


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