Write about Family /generational conflicts (parent/child or siblings) on “A Family Supper.”

The requirement was to find a critical article on the author you were working on and to summarize the article as a preparatory step for writing your research paper. You will need to find at least one article on Ishiguro to help you support your thesis about the the story.

This is a final research paper on Kazuo Ishiguro’s background and the methods of writing that helped him write about Family /generational conflicts (parent/child or siblings) on “A Family Supper”: Use an article on Kazuo as a starting point for the research paper, This paper, which should be about 1500 words, will build upon the work that summarizes a critical reading of the author/work you are writing about.
Here are additional links to help:
1. https://www.trentu.ca/academicskills/how-guides/how-write-university/how-approach-any-assignment/writing-article-summaries
2. Ishugiro article link: https://www.proquest.com/docview/1020867563/fulltextPDF/676E217D54FE4EFAPQ/1?accountid=14569&sourcetype=Scholarly%20Journals (also atttached as pdf)
3. Summary of the short story: The protagonist, a young man who has been living in California for several years, returns to his native Japan. His father picks him up at the airport, and on the drive home, the father mentions that the protagonist’s mother died two years ago. The mother died from eating fugu, or puffer fish, which contains a deadly poison. Despite being a delicacy, fugu must be prepared carefully to avoid poisoning.

The protagonist’s mother, always wary of eating fugu, decided to eat it on a visit to her childhood friend, Mrs. Watanabe. Unfortunately, Mrs. Watanabe had lost her husband to suicide after his business failed. Over dinner, Mrs. Watanabe’s mother served fugu, and both Mrs. Watanabe and the protagonist’s mother died from the poison. When they arrive home, the protagonist’s father reveals that the family business, a sake brewery, has gone bankrupt. The father’s business partner, Mr. Watanabe, committed suicide after the bankruptcy, and the father expresses guilt over Mr. Watanabe’s death. The protagonist’s father mentions that his sister, Kikuko, will be joining them for dinner. Kikuko had left home to attend university in Osaka and has since returned. As they wait for Kikuko, the father expresses his hope that the protagonist will stay in Japan for a while. When Kikuko arrives, the atmosphere becomes more relaxed. The family sits down to dinner, and Kikuko reveals that she is engaged to be married and plans to move to America with her fiancé after graduation. After dinner, the protagonist and Kikuko take a walk in the garden. They reminisce about their childhood and recall seeing a ghost in the garden. Their mother had told them that the ghost was an old woman from a local greengrocer. As they talk, Kikuko reveals that Mr. Watanabe killed his wife and two daughters before taking his own life. The revelation shocks the protagonist, and he wonders about the true nature of the family’s tragedies. The story ends with the protagonist reflecting on his uncertain future and the mysteries surrounding his family’s past.

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