Write about how Orwell broke one of his own rules in “Politics and the English LanguageLinks to an external site.”.

Directions and Rubric for Orwell Opinion Paper
Use the MLA heading

One page only
Use italics for words used as examples
12 point font only
Frame your quotations
Double space
Use in-text citations. You need to put Orwell’s name and page number in parenthesis at the end of the sentence after each time you quote him e.g. (Orwell 9). Note that the period comes after the parenthesis. Do not put paragraph numbers. We numbed the paragraphs just for our own convenience and they are not part of the original article.
Don’t copy even one word without documentation. Documentation means both an in-text citation and a Works Cited. You do not need to do a Works Cited. Orwell Work Cited. Download Orwell Work Cited.I put the link to the Work Cited entry for the “Politics and the English Language” that we used on Canvas for you to check out. You can ascertain why yu need to complete the module on the Works Cited before you’re ready to write one.
Your title should come from what you write about. Bad titles are things like Essay, “Politics and the English Language”Essay, or Orwell Essay.

Essay Prompt:
Write about how Orwell broke one of his own rules in “Politics and the English LanguageLinks to an external site.”. Use this quotation from his essay as a starting point to think about what you want to write. “Look back through this essay, and for certain you will find that I have again and again committed the very faults I am protesting against” (Orwell 11). Be sure to have a brief thesis with a plan. Because you are allowed only one page (practicing Rule #17), be sure to write only on one rule and do not try to list all of his rules.

Here is the link to our collaborative Google docLinks to an external site. where we shared how Orwell broke his own rules for you to get ideas for your examples in the body of your essay..
Assume that the person reading your short essay does not have “Politics and the English Language” available. You need to introduce the essay and briefly tell what it is about. In the first sentence, skip the part about “political and economic causes” and briefly talk about what political speech is doing to language and how Orwell suggested six rules to help our writing (Orwell).
In the body of your paper, quote examples of how Orwell broke the one rule you are writing about and give corrections for each example.
In the conclusion, show how you proved your thesis with a summary. This essay is perfect for using a prediction and recommendation. See the Conclusion suggestion Download Conclusion suggestionnumber 3 in the article.
Be sure to post your essay early to avoid problems with slow internet connections. You must post your essay on Canvas by the deadline

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