Write an informative essay in which you analyze the effects of the Anthropocene on the biosphere.

Write an informative essay in which you analyze the effects of the Anthropocene on the biosphere.

Synthesize at least four chapters from Elizabeth Kolbert’s The Sixth Extinction to develop your paper. (You may not use your entries on the same topic.)

Draw also on The Anthropocene: The Age of Mankind https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AW138ZTKioM to support your analysis.

As you write your essay, make sure that you engage with these questions:

What is the Anthropocene?
How does it differ from previous geologic periods?
How has the carbon footprint affected the biosphere in the past 250 years?
Is the damage caused by the carbon footprint irreversible?
What can be done to save the earth from further damage?
Provide contextual information about the topic in the introduction
Include a clear and focused thesis statement in the introduction
Start each paragraph with a topic sentence that follows from the thesis statement
Draw on four chapters from Elizabeth Kolbert’s The Sixth Extinction and on the assigned video, The Anthropocene: The Age of Mankind, to support your analysis
Study “Sciences”
Study “Evidence”

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