Write in prose; we expect a short essay. Articulate the main points clearly using topic sentences and make sure the writing and argumentation flows logically.

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Case Analvses
Each person is responsible for writing up one case analyses (3 pages maximum, I-inch margins, double spaced and 12-point font). Each case will contribute 10% to the final grade. These write-ups will be responses to questions that I will distribute in advance of each week’s readings. You are free to discuss and work with groups of any size, however all final submissions should be prepared independently. If you choose to work in groups, acknowledge all group members involved in the case discussion.
Students are required to choose two out of the following four cases for this assignment –

Some guidelines and expectations:
his is NOT a case summary. Beyond a brief introduction of the company, you should avoid simply describing the case. Be analytical.
The purpose of the case is to provide information for you to illustrate your statements and defend your points.
Focus. Aim for depth rather than breadth.
Write in prose; we expect a short essay. Articulate the main points clearly using topic sentences and make sure the writing and argumentation flows logically.

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