Written communication

Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message..

In a 2–3 page paper:
Describe at least three of the steps to prepare for the presentation.
Provide a project introduction that presents an existing change opportunity and the desired state after improvement, and its relevance to social work, as well as explaining how the project addresses quality improvement and social welfare policy leadership in the 21st century.
In a 10-slide PowerPoint presentation (with presenter notes):
Explain specific discriminatory issues in a given policy or program.
Provide relevant, real-world examples.
Describe a specific population or subgroup (demographic distinctions, how many) impacted by the selected public policy.
Provide relevant, real-world examples that demonstrate the impacts of the policy.
Explain a detailed plan for enacting change to address discrimination in the selected policy or program.
Include steps for implementation, a budget, and specific sources for funding.
Explain how the plan to change the policy or program will be evaluated, including the data necessary for the evaluation.
Explain how the evaluation data will be collected and managed to maintain ethical integrity.
Support main points, assertions, arguments, conclusions, or recommendations with relevant, credible, and convincing evidence.
Synthesize evidence to demonstrate its importance to your discussion or argument.
Apply APA style and formatting to scholarly writing.
Demonstrate correct stylistic conventions, document structure, and source attributions.

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