You are a recently graduated management consultant who is required to research and write a report using a given structure and style that would appeal to both academics and practitioners. In this assignment, you will propose a new strategy/improvement of the current strategy for the company. The analysis should demonstrate your ability to apply theories / concepts in the analysis of the company.

This individual assignment is a strategic report designed to assess students’ understanding of the application of strategy theories, research skills and the structure of arguments to the analysis of a real organisation. Students can choose to analyse one of two project briefs that are available on Blackboard. Your selection should be based on the availability of the information and data needed to complete the module assessments. The project can be different from the assessment 1. Make sure you get advice from your seminar leaders as you work through your assignment.

You are a recently graduated management consultant who is required to research and write a report using a given structure and style that would appeal to both academics and practitioners. In this assignment, you will propose a new strategy/improvement of the current strategy for the company. The analysis should demonstrate your ability to apply theories / concepts in the analysis of the company.
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