Young Goodman Brown by Hawthorne.

1. The first three paragraphs set up the main points of the story. Fill in the blanks below with the appropriate information about the item at left.

time of day:

2. What elements of the paragraph beginning “Poor little Faith!” alert the reader to the nature of Goodman Brown’s errand?

3. Goodman Brown meets a man along the lonely, wooded path. Do they meet by chance? Explain.

4. Briefly describe the man Goodman Brown meets.

5. What remarkable thing does the traveler carry with him?

6. What does Goodman Brown tell “he of the serpent” about his father, grandfather, and ancestors?

7. What does his companion tell Goodman Brown about these same people?

8. What is Goodman Brown’s reaction when he learns of all the people who are “firm supporters” of his companion?

9. Why do you suppose the traveler laughs so heartily at Goodman Brown’s fear of meeting his minister’s eye at church?

10. Why does Goodman Brown go into the woods when he sees Goody Cloyse on the path?

11. Who do you think the traveler is?

12. What does Goodman Brown discover about Goody Cloyse from his hiding place in the woods?

13. As Goodman Brown sits contemplating his decision to return to Faith’s arms, two riders pass by. Who are they?

14. While looking up to heaven, Goodman Brown sees a black cloud overhead. He hears many voices, among them what he thinks is Faith’s voice. What does he then see that causes him to say, “Come, devil; for to thee is this world given”?

15. Describe Goodman Brown’s state of mind as he sets off again into the forest.

16. Name four people Goodman Brown sees, or thinks he sees, beneath the blazing fire.

17. The devil prepares to “lay the mark of baptism” on Goodman Brown and his wife. In doing so, what will they be taking part in?

18. Goodman Brown calls out to Faith to look up to heaven and resist “the wicked one.” Where does he then find himself?

19. How does Goodman Brown’s state of mind change after the night he spends in the forest?

20. What symbolism is in YGB?

**Bonus question**

How can you relate this story the Puritans?

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